Bryon and I get such a kick out of the weathermen around here. Being a weatherman in Dallas has to be one of the easiest jobs, but we've decided it must get really boring after years of "sunny and humid" forecasts.
With all that spare time, they tend to come up with some pretty "informing" graphics. The other night, Bryon and I got a huge laugh out of this one. You would have thought the sky was falling except for the headline across the top stating, "Overall risk SLIGHT!" Is there anything else Fox 4 could have added to this one?
Surely you remember OKC's weather forcasts. They are just as bad. When we get a 1/4" of snow you would think it was a blizzard!
Some nerd intern at the station had a little too much time on his hands. And too much enthusiasm for bad weather. If you see him, please relay the following message, "Hey, little buddy, sometimes Less is More! I loved the 603 graphics going everywhich way, but the lightening bolts background selection put it over the top! Is your favorite movie Twister? TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
Yes, we laugh when they complain about high wind gusts - 20 mph! That's just a mile breeze on Poling hill...
Classic. How did you get the screen cap?
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